Laser Ablation: The Future of Surface Cleaning

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Fire & Smoke Damage, Mold Removal

At Biodynamic, we strive to be at the forefront of our industry, which includes commercial and industrial cleaning. Our goal is to help lead the way in making our industry more efficient, safer, healthier, and more sustainable. This means cutting back on waste and eliminating the need for toxic chemicals and other potentially harmful cleaning products. To that end, we’re leading the way in implementing an innovative new technology that we consider to be the future of surface cleaning: laser ablation.

Inevitably, there is always some amount of hype surrounding any new technology, and you’d be right to be skeptical of referring to any new cleaning method as “the future” without the results to back it up. Nevertheless, we’ve had amazing success implementing this technology for surface cleaning, and we’ve discovered that not only is laser ablation more precise and eco-friendly than more traditional methods, but it’s also incredibly versatile. It has already been adapted to a wide array of industries. Read on to find out more.

What Is Laser Ablation?

The term “ablation” is generally used to refer to removing tissue through surgery, and laser ablation indeed had its beginnings as a surgical technique. The concept is actually fairly simple: it refers to the use of laser beams to effectively vaporize materials from a surface, without damaging what’s underneath. You can probably see why that would make for an effective surgical technique since it allows doctors to remove damaged cells without harming the healthy surrounding tissue.

When it’s applied as a method of surface cleaning, it’s just as effective, since lasers can precisely remove unwanted materials while leaving the surface itself intact. Primarily, it’s used to remove rust and other oxide buildup, but it can also be used for paint, grease, or any number of other contaminants. Laser cleaning machinery can be either large and industrial-sized, or it can be handheld, depending on the size of the job and the mobility requirements for the workers.

A Safer Method of Surface Cleaning

One of the main reasons laser ablation is a game-changer in the world of industrial cleaning is that most traditional methods of surface cleaning involve the use of extreme processes or harsh chemicals. For example, if cleaners had the need to remove a layer of paint from a surface in the past, the only way to effectively do so was by blasting it with sand or using a strong solvent, such as acetone.

This would get the job done but at the cost of producing noxious fumes that were dangerous to cleaners and potentially weakening or damaging the substrate that the paint had been applied to. Ultimately, the paint stripper would also end up contaminating the environment, which was harmful to both the local ecosystem and the human inhabitants of the surrounding area.

Laser ablation eliminates the need for chemicals such as acetone. It does not generate harmful fumes, and there are significantly fewer waste products that can enter the environment and damage the ecosystem. As a result, it is significantly safer than traditional surface cleaning methods.

Greater Precision

Laser ablation also has the benefit of being far more precise than traditional cleaning methods. Targeted laser beams can be used to access more difficult-to-reach areas, without risking collateral damage to surrounding elements. This is crucial when it’s used for tasks such as cleaning sensitive equipment. For example, laser ablation can be used to remove rust from machinery without harming the smaller and more sensitive mechanical parts. Other cleaning methods force cleaners to essentially scrub the rust off, which puts a great deal of undue stress on the equipment and, ultimately, isn’t very effective.

It’s not simply safer and more effective than previous methods; it’s also significantly faster. As the saying goes, time is money, and laser ablation saves businesses where it’s used vast amounts of time, allowing them to return to normal operations much more quickly.

Laser Ablation Is Being Used Everywhere

As you might expect, a technology that has the ability to remove exactly what the cleaner wants to remove, and no more or less, has a staggering number of applications in every industry you can imagine. Laser ablation is being used everywhere from NASA spacecraft (where it’s even being studied as a potential method of deflecting asteroids in space) to your local locksmith (where it can be used to clean rusty keys).

It’s allowed carpenters, welders, and other builders to perform their jobs more effectively, and it’s been used in the automotive industry as well as other commercial and industrial settings. Remove the finish from wood without affecting the wood, or use laser ablation for texturing or cutting. It’s so precise it can be used to selectively remove layers from multiple mediums. You can even invest in a portable laser cleaner yourself; they’re available at most hardware stores.

Invest in Eco-Friendly Cleaning Today

If you’re facing the possibility of a major cleaning project, contact Biodynamic to discuss options for doing so in a fast, effective, and eco-friendly manner. We utilize laser ablation cleaning to remove rust, oil, dirt, paint, and other contaminants in a way that won’t place your sensitive equipment or other property at risk. It’s particularly useful in fire restoration and can be used to remove soot, smoke, and fire damage.

Of course, this is only one of the many different cleaning methods we employ. We also make use of Bio-Remediation to remove mold and other dangerous particles from the atmosphere. Dry ice blasting is another one of our favored techniques and another great way to clean surfaces without producing any harmful byproducts.

If you aren’t sure how to approach a cleaning, restoration, or renovation project, contact us today to discuss it with our experts. We’ll help make your workplace clean, healthy, and safe once again.

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