What To Do When Your Home Is Making You Sick

What To Do When Your Home Is Making You Sick

For most of our clients, their home is literally killing them. Bit by bit, slowly over time … it’s killing them! Approximately 25 percent of the population is so affected by mold that their bodies simply don’t know what to do with it. It affects every bodily system...
What To Do If You Have a Flood

What To Do If You Have a Flood

So, you’ve had a flood? We’ve talked about how to best prevent a flood in your home. What do you do if it’s too late and the water has already won? There are a number of things you can do right now that will save you time, money, and heartache. Shut the Water Off...
Black Mold: Let’s Discuss

Black Mold: Let’s Discuss

Black mold. While it might sound like a freaky fungus monster from the likes of Dungeons & Dragons, it is very much real. However, just because it isn’t a creeping nefarious monster lurking in the darkness, that doesn’t make it any less frightening for homeowners....
What Is Dry Ice Blasting?

What Is Dry Ice Blasting?

One of the key challenges in any major cleaning or restoration project is finding the best way to perform the job. Many of the traditional methods of cleaning can be just as destructive as the damage or wear and tear itself, not only to the surface being cleaned but...
Laser Ablation: The Future of Surface Cleaning

Laser Ablation: The Future of Surface Cleaning

At Biodynamic, we strive to be at the forefront of our industry, which includes commercial and industrial cleaning. Our goal is to help lead the way in making our industry more efficient, safer, healthier, and more sustainable. This means cutting back on waste and...